Celebration of the Eucharist {Mass}
Friday: 10.00am Saturday: 10.00am & 6.00pm (Vigil). Sunday: 10.00a.m. & 11.30am.
Monday - Thursday: 10.00a.m. Liturgy Service with Communion Holyday's: 10.00a.m.
(Rosary for Peace said after Mass each morning). During Lent: special arrangements will be made
First Friday; 10.00a.m Divine Mercy incorporated into The First Friday Mass (morning)
St. Oliver’s Hospital

Mass is celebrated each week by one of the Priests of the Redeemer Parish Tuesday & Saturday: 10.45 a.m Sunday: 10.00 a.m (Liturgy Service).

Mass and Novena Prayers Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal Novena: Mondays 10.00am